Taking into account the needs of the students, we decide on an annual theme. Under the careful nurturing at FSSAS, we hope that students will flourish and grow to lead vibrant, extraordinary lives. The school plans "regular activities," "experiential activities," "scenario simulation activities," and "atmosphere building" to accomplish this.


Regular Activities 

Teachers and students regularly share content related to the annual theme during morning and weekly assemblies through story-sharing and drama performances. The performances are engaging and easily understood, leaving a strong impression on the audience.


Experiential Activities 

The best way to learn is through first-hand experience. The school arranges a series of experiential activities to allow students to grow through practice and hands-on learning.


Scenario Simulation 

To engage students in the activities, the school utilizes cartoon characters and dramatic stories as a means to pique their interest. The "Love・Back to School" series of character education videos serves as an important medium through which our school promotes good values.


Atmosphere Building

Since the school views its surroundings as its third teacher, it widely distributes information across the campus to create a visually appealing learning environment. This approach encourages knowledge sharing and the development of a campus culture in addition to offering students ongoing guidance.