Our school will set aside each year 10% of the school tuition fees towards the use of scholarships & grants.


1. Scholarships

A. Target

In order to reward students with academic achievement or outstanding performance in Multiple-Intelligences (sports/arts), our school has set up scholarship funds. Students who are able to meet the criteria below will be awarded after verifications.


B. Assessment Criteria


Academic Criterion

Conduct Criteria

Excellent Academic Performance Award in Each Level

The top 6 students at each level in the school year with an average mark of 85 or above in Chinese, English & Mathematics

A- or above

Excellent Academic Performance Award in Each Class

The top 3 students in each class in the school year

B+ or above

Excellent Academic Performance Award in Each Subject

The top 3 students of each of the following subjects: Chinese, English, Mathematics & Thematic Studies at each level.

B+ or above

Academic Progress Award

Primary 1: The top 5 most improved students in the Second and the Third Examination

(There is no First Examination in Primary 1)

Primary 2 – 6: The top 5 most improved students in the First and the Third Examination

B or above

Outstanding Achievement in Multiple-intelligences Award

Must fulfil the following criteria:

1.          Top 5 or outstanding awards in public competitions,

2.          Recommended by the teacher, and

Approved by the Scholarship Committee

B+ or above


C. Application Method:

  • Scholarships for Academic Excellence & Scholarships for Outstanding Subject Results:
    Students need not apply for these two scholarships. The school will calculate the average marks according to students' results of each term. For those students who meet the criteria, they will be notified in a written notice within 6 weeks after the school term.

  • Scholarships for High Achievers in Multiple-intelligences:
    For students who meet the criteria, their parents should hand in the completed form (application forms can be downloaded from the school website) as well as other relevant documents to the class teacher within 3 weeks after the school term. The class teacher will forward this information to the 'Scholarships Committee' for further assessment.

  • If a student can meet the required assessment criteria of all the above three scholarships, he/she will be awarded the three scholarships.

  • For students who have been granted the students’ allowance throughout the school year, they can also be awarded the Scholarships if they meet the required assessment criteria.


D. Distributing Method

  • Successful applicants will be given Certificates and Notification of the Scholarship Awards.


2. Students’ Allowance

A. Target

Student Allowance is intended to provide students with financial help so that they can continue their studies.


B. Criteria for School Fee Remission

  • The school fee remission criteria are primarily based on the eligibility criteria for financial assistance scheme of the Students Financial Assistance Agency, i.e. full assistance or half assistance. If applicant has successfully applied the School Textbook Assistance and been given full/half amount of grant, he/she will be given full/half amount of students’ allowance respectively.
  • If parents have not made applications to the Student Financial Assistance Agency, they can fill in Appendix 1 (Breakdown of family monthly income and expenditures) for assessment. If necessary, the School may request parents to provide relevant proof.
  • Students from families on Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme will be given full school fee remission.

C. Requirement

  • Applicant has already been granted the School Textbook Assistance from the Student Financial Assistance Agency, or
  • Applicant is having the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance from the Social Welfare Department, or
  • The family is having financial problems or facing an emergency/accident.
    Remarks: In order to avoid double-assistance, if the applicants or their spouse have been granted the educational assistance during the past 12 months, they are not qualified for this application.


D. Application Method

  • Applicant should be students’ father, mother or legal guardian.
  • Applicant can get the form from the school office, or download it from the school website.
  • Applicant has to complete the application form with the documents needed and submit them to the accounting department of the school before the deadline.
  • For enquiries, applicants can contact Mr. Yeung Yiu Man at 2606 0670.


E. Documents needed

  • A copy of the I.D card of the applicant and family members.
  • (If the applicant belongs to a single parent family) Separation or divorce certificate or death certificate of spouse (if applicable).
  • A copy of income certificate of the applicant and spouse for the last three months.
  • A copy of income certificate of the unmarried children of the applicant for the last three months.
  • A copy of housing expenses certificate for the last three months. (e.g Annual rent or annual mortgage payment)
  • A copy of the receipt of school fee for applicants' children who are not studying in this school (if applicable). (e.g Notification or receipt of school fee submission)
  • A copy of important expenses proof for the last three months. (e.g Water/ Electricity/ Gas bill, insurance, long-term medical expenses or loan repayments)
  • The school may require additional information from the applicant if necessary.


F. Calculation Method for School Fee Allowance

  • The school will use the average disposable income to assess the range of allowance for the applicant. The highest allowance will be school fee remission for the whole school year.
  • The formula is as follows:



Total family income

Total no. of family members + (1)

  • For single-parent families of 2 to 3 members, the “plus 1 factor” in the divisor of the AFI formula will be increased to 2.



AFI (For single-parent families of 2 to 3 members)


School-based tuition fee remission guidelines:

Adjusted Family Income

Level of Assistance

Monthly Tuition Fee

$0 - $39,182



$39,183 - $75,764



> $75,764



  * Tuition fee is pending approval from the EDB.

 # The school will refer to the assistance schemes governed by the Student Finance Office and make changes according to the eligibility of the applicant and the amendment of the assessment guidelines.

Click to enter Application Form for School Fee Remission


G. Deadlines

Applicant should apply just once for the school year. Applicant has to submit the application form and documents needed to school office on or before 30th September of every year.

The school will discretionarily accept late applications if there are special reasons.


H. Points to Note

  • Applicant should submit a form for every single child in this school.
  • If the submitted document or information is incomplete, the application will be delayed or even suspended.
  • The applicant has to submit a written notice and bring documents needed to the school office for the amendment of submitted information.
  • The application result will be released to parents by written notice.


I. Responsibility of Applicant

  • The information provided by the applicant must be real and complete. If there are any changes for the information submitted (e.g a change of employment status or income, number of family members), applicant should inform the school at once as to adjust the allowance amount.
  • It is illegal for the applicant to provide false information or hide any facts in order to get a higher allowance. The applicant will be subjected to prosecution under the Theft Ordinance (Chapter 210 of the Law of HKSAR). Any person who commits theft or deception shall be liable to be convicted upon indictment and imprisoned for 10 years.
  • The application will be cancelled if the applicant provides false information or conceals any facts. The applicant should return all the allowance to the school and there the possibility of being sued by the school.