Through engagement in engineering,

design, and technology learning,

we cultivate essential skills in students

to tackle the challenges brought by this dynamic world.


Characteristics of the Curriculum 

Immerse in Curriculum 

Our holistic STEAM curriculum seamlessly integrates computational thinking, coding, and prototyping across diverse subjects, empowering students to recognise and effectively apply the pervasive influence of STEAM in their daily lives.


Take in the Campus 

With features like the Maker Room, AI Lab, Steam Playground, Giant Steam Wall, Steam Tube, and Smart Garden (Aquaponics Steam Boat), our campus offers an immersive STEAM environment. There are STEAM components everywhere you look, creating a lively STEAM environment.


Experiential Creation and Design 

Through hands-on exploration and practical application, our curriculum empowers students to develop essential skills in design, crafting, and prototyping. This experiential approach fosters resilience, iterative thinking, and the satisfaction of transforming ideas into tangible creations.